Stand alone retsej SC page address. livinproofofdemonicpossession2 a new song just released by the Retsej hit the soundclick charts today as number #2 on the hyphy charts hyped as in hyphey. The Retsej has been making some big waves recently as his comeback from some time off from making new music since the late 2008 and 2000s decade left him poised for a heavyweight punch on his new albums the Chronic rets o.g. and now also as livinproof of demonic possession takes #2 in the hyphey subgenre charts on Soundclick. com also just this last week The Retsej's newest album just dropped on Spotify and YouTube and other retailers to a roaring amount of uncounted fans as hits remain stuck on Spotify YouTube and all other retailers stats hits couters for keeping track of the amount of hits and listens each for each track/song artist. This blackout on the hits which says 0 on the stats counter for the Retsej's newest album dead heat could not prevent people. From it being clear to them to count billions of listeners eagerly hungry for new Retsej music from buying the album by the massive total of sale of the digital album = over 10trillion dollars spent on the Retsej's new CD called Dead Heat " by fans. The Retsej has gained noteriety recently in this past year for his ultra hyphey hyped up style of rapping and exciting wicked sick as in badass ultra macho gangsta lyrics and songs laced with profanity comedy hardcore gangsta rap about gats/guns spitting bullets ripping off niggaz for their dope sacs and have also become big as in huge in the comedy here section also the rets for short for retsej was #9 in those comedy charts as in subgenre adult comedy and doing excellently in that comedy section subgenres parents charts on the soundclick podcasts charts it's main parent genre charts as well . The insanely funny and hilarious wired up and hyphy little menace of a little demon up to no good theiving menace of a prankster plus a gat 9mm packing demon to boot have brought smiles and laughter to a whole new slice of people and section of the American .U S. Populace/masses the Retsej gaining fans in a starved world of starving fans for the Retsej's hardcore gangsta badass ultra tough guy ultra extreme macho gangsta raps/songs and the funniest underground weed smoking druggie laced lyrics and wild and crazy antics on the musical stage since the artist/band "howlin wolf" and is sure to gain ever more droves of fans over the coming few years as the Retsej gains popularity and his music becomes more known of about by the American U.S. and global public. Also to mention the exciting second of the new albums released besides "dead heat" "the Retsej Classics" debuted on itunes and Spotify and Deezer and YouTube to rave reviews a collection of early 2000's Classics /songs album has critics across the entertainment world and writers for these publications cheering on the long anticipated and eagerly waited for over the last two decades giving thumbs up 10.5 out of 10 high applause as the retsej goes gangsta since his more ungangsta like music and Albums released during the 2000s decade with him as master storyteller the medieval demo character the Retsej such as the album "Welcome to the Show" and "Insane Deranged" see "Still the Days of the Retsej" and "Insane Deranged 2" .All in all the Retsej is gaining new droves of fans by the day and has the whole world waiting eagerly to see him so true song fans listens hotsviews stats reflected on the rapper being posted on billboard hot100 will those song listens by fans of the retsej be counted by soundscan it's hard to say as the billboard charts may show the Retsej listed any day now or it may not be counted with the still ongoing blackout freeze on the acknowledgement of the true hits and views/listens to his music or by soundscan which reports those song listens /digital streams of The Retsej's song plays online and those song plays /hits and streams also for so many other artists/bands as well, which is most of the bands HipHopHyphy What is Hyphy? Charts #94 today #2 in subgenre today
Band/artist history
My rockstar Collab project and retsej YouTube channel 2nd one is dimirus third The Retsej Stand alone retsej extra soundclick page My new retsej podcast now live as of yesterday on Spotify link
Have you performed in front of an audience? Pro stand alone rets page
Your musical influences
The Exorcist horror movies in general Steven Spielberg ice cube public enemy all 90s and 2000s hip hop and artists in rock same thing also my family all my friends everyone my teachers throughout all my schooling and college books novels and all writers of Anne rice Stephen king the Chronicles of Narnia john bellairs nasa astronauts and pop music same thing all 90s 2000s bands and singers too evanescence Amy Lee avril Lavigne hotties and the military and the church the Vatican and my brothers and my girlfriend hotties well anyhow when it comes down to it basically everyone also iac and soundclick Steve jobs bill gates the president and cdbaby also a big hero of mine is the internet archive way back machine and onyx Gwen Stefani of no doubt and so many others bush and lady ga ga also Britney spears I also love the union city library where I grew up since two reading books there.everyoneinbthe end sums it all about song Atari others I just uploaded posted her
What equipment do you use?
Groovepad beat machine
Anything else? Brand new Retsej album out today Burn Hollywood Burn check it out live as of today streaming on Spotify here's the link New album out today The Chronic rets o.g. now live as of today on Deezer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Secret stash of highest quality mp3 songs files you can download them here for free on the internet archive way back machine these songs ofthebest qualityforthesesongs since they were. A part of my website I had at the time online ne at domain that site has been offline taken down since then but itwasthesite theretsej.comwas archived and indexed for what I upload adedthesefipesiuploadedbackthen are available and are of the highest quality thanks to the way back machine internet archive for cra ling my home website page for my band heretheretsej was thewebsiteformyband back intheearlyandmidtolatter20000s moctrecentwasaround2008 feel free to use this way back machine s cret wideleyunknown websiteasabookmarkedwebsite if you ever want to replenish your stock of retsej songmp3s you can download and come back years later and stulillredownloadthesesongs thatiuploadedtomyretsejsiteduringtheearlymid2000supto2008 and are still available since they were archived back then you can use this sectrret website bookmark it so you'll always have access to my midupto 2008andsomeearly200stracks too freetodownloadenjoyheresthelink websiteaddresswith theretsejsongsfilesclickonandgotoanfddownload iusethepageasaextrabackupformysongsretsejsonhsmp3sfilesofmusicretsejmusic so if my filesi possessevergetlostofthosesongsfilestretsejtracks, I'll still beabletogototheinternetarchuvewaybackmachineandb get back my songsretsejsongssothatidontlosethemifmyc mputerbreaksandsuchggoodtohacvrethisbackuoispendalotoftimesurfingthewebsitetheinternetarxhivr tryingtorecoverlostretsej.comalsowww.deeepposseeseion .com resourcesfrommyoldwebsitesthoseonly2iknowyouplgetaddictedtousuningtheinternetarchivelikieiam ifyouprobablyknowaboutthearchivealreadybuiknowillseeyouthere*/* New songs dead heat just went number 1 in the hyphy genre who ever said the rets wouldn't make it in gangsta rap??!!!!!I From my old site New version 2023 version of love song by Sara barellies in my videos section just added!!
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